Beyond Abbots Way

‘Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much’
Helen Keller

Abbot’s Way is forward- thinking and outward- looking, with curiosity and a passion for specialist, student-led, skills-driven learning

Our ‘Beyond’ aims:

  • To be recognised for mutual collaboration and support, locally, nationally and internationally within the education world, within charity work and within communities.
  • To be involved in the latest SpLD and learning research and training, where possible creating and delivering it.

Two of our cornerstone values are endeavour and kindness, both of which we want to role model wherever we can by getting involved with organisations and charities, raising awareness as well as funds. 

Two of our Abbot’s Way skills are teamwork and collaboration, both of which we want to utilise as a school  - both staff and students - by forming valuable, effective relationships with other bodies.

We actively welcome participation and partnerships ….

Current networking is taking place with professional bodies, sporting links, organisations, schools, charities, and communities.

Links are being successfully established and developed.

Just as Abbot’s Way enables students to ‘dare to learn’, as a pioneering school we will ‘dare to learn’ too.